Interested in saving money?
ChannalBAC provides the means to lower your cost and improve quality. That is why more than 75% of the US Flexo Newspapers have converted to or are testing ChannalBAC!
By using ChannalBAC you will:
- Reduce smutting
- Improve solid density
- Reduce mottling
- Reduce cushion budget
- Lower labor cost
- Lower waste
Looking for a way to obtain your "Sustainability Goals" and reduce your "Carbon Footprint?" ChannalBAC can help!
After 4 years of continuous service 75% of the ChannalBAC cushions installed on "The Press of Atlantic City" are still running strong. How does that compare to the life of the cellular cushions on your press? The actual savings are far greater than the cost of the cushion itself; consider:
- The idle labor when a cushion needs to be replaced due to a wrap If it's at deadline, it's not just the press operators that are delayed, bindery, shipping, and trucking are all affected.
- Since the life of the cellular cushion is significantly shorter, cushions are required to be replaced more frequently. How many hours do you budget each year for the labor required to change out cellular cushions?
So how long will a ChannalBAC cushion last? The truth is... we just don't know... and may not know for years! But what we do know is ChannalBAC is "CHRUSH-PROOF", and CDT Guarantees it! That's right, take a wrap and keep on running... you can't do that with cellular foam!